Monday, September 27, 2010


Valve stem seals are easy to swap out when you have proper parts at your disposal. The 1955 Pontiac engine is a little hard to find all the right parts for.

So I had ordered a whole bunch of different valve seals to see if I could find one I could work with here. And today, 112.3° ambient temperatures notwithstanding, I determined which one of the ones I ordered I can use. The valve stem mics out at .337 and the guide at .632. The Sealed Power ST2125 seal is very close, with the valve hole being exactly .337 but the guide opening is a tad tight... too tight to go on. But, the metal bell had a very thick rubber insert and with a little work using a sanding drum on the Dremel tool, it was easy to make it fit over the guide. Rock Auto had a great deal on these seals so what the heck.

SEALED POWERST2125Valve Stem Seal$ 1.32

Keeping fingers crossed that they will work. I only had ordered one so I have 15 more to go. I ordered the rest from Rock and asked for 3 day shipping so hopefully next weekend I can put them on.

[I heard back from Comp Cams about an inquiry I made with them last week. They said I could use Their part number 502-16, Valve Seals: Umbrella, Stock Guide, 11/32 and I would not need to machine the guides. The part looks cheesy in the photos, but the seals are only $10 for the set, so I ordered them from Summit as a backup for the ones I ordered earlier. The part has now arrived and I can confirm, it looks like it won't hold up very long. plain rubber, no reinforcement, a bit flimsy. It may work really well... but I think I'll wait til the others arrive and then decide which to use.]

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